General conditions

All products displayed here are not appropriate for little children. Children under the age of five can choke on small parts.

I didn't succeed in installing ideal and paypal on time. Work on this is still in progress.

If you want to order now anyway, it is possible. When your order has been processed you will receive an E-mail containing all information you need to pay. As soon as I receive payment I will send your order.

I treat each package with care. I'm not responsible if packages arrive damaged or not at all. In the event this happens contact me. I will file a complaint with the company that handled the postage. If a refund results from this complaint you will off course receive it. Make sure your address information is filled in correctly when you order!!!

Your order becomes definite with payment. I don't accept return shipment and I don't refund

All prices are excluding postage and packaging.
Postage and packaging cost:
In the Netherlands: 6,20 euro
In Europe: 5,25 euro
Outside of Europe: 9,00 euro